Thursday, August 16, 2012

Barrel Racer is a portait of a horse which pays homage to the most wonderful sculpture I know - The Head of a Horse of Selene.  Selene, a female charioteer and the Moon Goddess of ancient Greece was tasked with pulling the moon through the night sky. All that remains of this sculpted narrative from the Parthenon's east pediment was the  head of one horse.  Now residing at the British Museum, its exhaustion and focused athleticism is my inspiration.
Two Horses at Capay Valley

The Old Windmill

Both of these painting, 12" x 24", acrylic on stretched canvas, were shown last year at Art To Farm Show in Woodland, California. Artists were invited to display their work at the 625 Gallery after participating in the Art/Ag project, allowing plein air artists to visit farms and ranches in Yolo county.  These lovely draught horses were at the Three Feather Ranch located in Capay Valley. 
The Bay is another resident of Three Rivers Ranch in Capay Valley.  I was struck by the sheer beauty of her coat.  This is a smallish horse, perhaps a mustang.

A quote by Ella Wilcox best describes my motivation for this painting.

"For the wonderful brain of man
However mighty its force
Had never achieved its lordly plan
Without the aid of a horse. "

The Bay measures 30 x 36", acrylic on stretched
canvas.  It, along with giclees and cards, will also go to the Art at the Classic in Nevada City this fall.
Paint and Friend are two characters who were watching me do a little plein air painting at the Three Feathers Ranch in Capay Valley.  Young and spirited, the pinto was most entertaining, so much so that I wanted to take him home.  That would technically be horse theft, so I ended up with a painting.  This measures 30 x 34", it is in acrylic on a stretched canvas.  I will be showing Paint and Friend at Art at the Classic in Nevada City this fall.  Giclee prints and greeting cards are also available.