Monday, March 25, 2013

April in Woodland and Davis....First Friday and Studio Tour

The Burger Saloon
I have been working hard getting ready for two events. The first is a show through the Yolo Arts Council at the Burger Saloon in Woodland.  The painting on my postcard (seen below) is of Aladdin, The Amazing White Horse, owned by my friend, Ann Brice.  I have painted her two horses, Aladdin and Diesel, and her beloved birthday present, Jack the Donkey. This painting of Aladdin has been in progress for many months and the prospects of a show galvanized its completion. For once, my initial vision of the painting and the way it turned out actually matched.

Davis Artist Studio Tour
The second event in April is the Davis Artist Studio Tours.  I am on the tour and will be working toward the goal of transforming my cave into a more pleasant space.  The tour is kind of neat because our consortium of 25 artists will be opening their studios for two days,  the 13th and 14th of April.  For $10.00 all studios are available to visit.  In preparation for the weekend, The Artery, a local artist co-op will show one work from each artist for a couple of weeks.  Look over the web site (title), noting that on the link to participating artists, you can see a sample of each work as well as often a web site.

Paintings by Jan Castle Walker
My daughter, Elizabeth, has been helping me update, design, and improve my web site.  We are updating as we speak, soon I will have a completed artist statement and more detail on each painting. She has done a great job pulling this site together and helping me offer a presence on the web.